The International Center for the Transfer of Innovative Medical Technologies has opened in Irkutsk
However, one cannot say that this foreign experience allowed oncologists today to form clear and uniform standards of treatment existing for other localizations. For example, if you are dealing with colorectal cancer, you are well aware of the examinations complex needed to be carried out and the regimen of treatment to be used in this case. As for ovarian cancer, this cancer is hormone-dependent, therefore it behaves absolutely differently in, as it seems, completely identical situations. So, the doctor is faced with a number of open questions. Whether to begin treatment with a surgery or with chemo-hypothermia, what drugs should be used for chemo-hyperthermia and what additional medications will be added to it, what are the possible problems and complications after it? And that is why the leading experts from all over the world were very interested in meeting here and exchanging the accumulated experience. It is not without a reason that joint research, in which clinics and scientific centers from several countries participate, is common in modern medicine.
In order to take such work to the assembly line, during the conference Siberian doctors signed a number of agreements on cooperation with medical organizations of Germany, Korea and China - the result was organization of the International Center for Transfer of Innovative Medical Technologies on the basis of the Cancer center.
"Initially, there was a plan for an educational center, but in the end it was named the International Center for the Transfer of Innovative Medical Technologies, since doctor training will be only one of its activities," comments one of the main conference organizers, the director of the Russian branch of the German-Russian Koch-Metschnikow Forum, Karina Moskalenko. - Although, of course, this is an important area, moreover, new knowledge will be received by both doctors and nurses. And this knowledge will be relevant not only to oncology: for example, the next certified educational course, which will take place in September, is going to be devoted to patient rehabilitation. Neurologists, orthopedists and representatives of other medical specialties will take part in it, and the main visiting specialist-rehabilitologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Professor Galina Ivanova will lead the training process. In October, the agenda will include gynecology - German doctors will bring their knowledge in Irkutsk. Of no less importance here is the international character of the Center: physicians from different countries will demonstrate different approaches to solving the same problem. So, there will be an opportunity to analyze and synthesize these approaches.
And now we are approaching the second direction of the Center's work - it is actually the transfer of the latest medical technologies from all corners of the planet to the Siberian region. Some of them are not used even at the most advanced Russian healthcare organizations. One of them, for example, is the use of stem cells in regenerative medicine - working with non-healing wounds, ulcers, pressure sores. In fact, these technologies were tested in the Irkutsk region last year. Another important function of the International Center is the cluster-forming one. It is about creating a medical cluster of federal significance in the Irkutsk Region. This will allow to provide help not only to patients from the Irkutsk region, but also attract patient flow from other Russian regions. One more task of the cluster is to attract investments into the healthcare system of the Angara region by public-private partnership plan. The International Center for the Transfer of Innovative Medical Technologies will become a sort of matrix for the creation of this cluster. As world practice shows, the basis for any successful cluster are education and good clinic - that is the reason why they are often organized around university hospitals.CONFERENCE MATERIALS CAN BE DOWNLOADED HERE:
- The 1st day
( Paul Sugarbaker, Francois Quenet, Kurt van der Speeten, Nadezhda Shchupakova, Andreas Brandl, Verena Muller, Vladimir Skrypnikov, Dmitriy Morikov, Beate Rau, Horst-Günter Rau );
- 2nd day
( Aleksei Shelekhov, Rodion Rasulov, Elena Artamonova, Christhardt Kohler, Andreas Brandl, Horst-Günter Rau, Francois Quenet, Verena Muller, Kurt van der Speeten, Amir Abdullaev, Roman Zubkov, Natalya Besova, Yutaka Yonemura );
- 3rd day
( Christhardt Kohler, Roman Demonov, Yan Li, Beate Rau, Andreas Brandl, Yutaka Yonemura, Francois Quenet ).
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