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  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory


    • Hematological studies (complete hematological blood test, bone marrow examination). Hematological studies are carried out on modern automatic hematological analyzers - SYSMEX XS-800, SYSMEX XN 1000; MINDRAY BC 5300.

    • General clinical laboratory testing – complete urinalysis with microscopic examination performed on automatic analyzers iChem Velociti, SYSMEX UF 1000. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid, examination of pleural, ascitic fluids. The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) – automatic analyzer NS plus ALFRESA.

    • Immunochemical test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) – a wide range of studies of oncomarkers, hormones, markers of sepsis, markers of cardiovascular insufficiency are performed. Studies are carried out on automatic immunochemiluminescent analyzers COBAS e 41, ARCHITECT i2000SR. Infection studies are performed on an automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer EVOLIS TWIN PLUS.
    Исследования инфекций выполняются на автоматическом иммуноферментном анализаторе EVOLIS TWIN PLUS.

    • The immunological laboratory performs immunophenotyping of peripheral blood and bone marrow (diagnosis of hemoblastoses), conducts an examination of the immune status – a BD FACS CANTO II flow cytometer;
    The immunological laboratory identifies the blood group, the Rh factor, and the Rh typing. Test is carried out on an automated system IH-1000 (Bio-Rad), based on gel technology.

    • Biochemical studies – performed on more than 100 indicators in the blood, urine, ascitic fluid (protein, nitrogen, carbohydrate, pigment metabolism, enzymes, myocardial damage markers, malnutrition markers, lipid profile, studies of protein fractions, markers of septic state, acid-base balance).
    Biochemical studies are carried out on automatic biochemical analyzers AU 680 Beckman Coulter, ARCHITECT c4000 Abbott, COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus.
    The study of the acid-base balance performed on the automatic analyzer ABL 800 FLEX RADIOMETER.
    The AQT90 FLEX immunofluorescent analyzer is used to diagnose emergency conditions – tests of troponin I, CKMB, D-dimer, CRP.

    • Hemostasis tests – (vasoconstriction, plasma clotting cascade, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic systems, activation markers of the coagulation system and fibrinolysis).
    The coagulological laboratory is equipped with analyzers: Automatic coagulometer Sysmex CS-2000i, four-channel thromboelastometer Rotem delta, diagnostic laboratory system Thrombodynamics Registrar T-2 (global test for assessing the state of the coagulation system and effective individual selection of anticoagulant therapy), SOLAR АР 2110 aggregometer.

    • Molecular biology laboratory performs mutation research: KRAS, NRAS, EGFR, BRCA1,2, BRAF, MGMT, CDH1; infectious disease testing: hepatitis С (HCV), hepatitis В (HBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Toxoplasma gondii, Parvovirus B-19, herpes virus type 6 (HHV6), herpes virus type 1 (HHV1), herpes virus type 2 (HHV2); HLA-typing.
    PCR laboratory equipment: Rotor-Gene 6000 Q 6plex Corbett Research thermal cycler, Applied Biosystems AB 3500 genetic analyzer, Luminex 200 Luminex Corporation diagnostic system for multiparametric fluorescence analysis.

    • Genetic laboratory performs the following research:
    - karyotyping of bone marrow, lymph nodes, venous blood;
    - fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in cell suspension, smears, paraffin sections.

    Test are carried out on the equipment: POCESSOR VP 2000, ThermoBrite TS-02 hybridizer, NICON ECLIPSE Ni-V microscope.

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